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The President of Phillips, Phillips & Allen, LLC is Frank J. Phillips, an author and a retired combat veteran and public relations professional with more than 30 years of international and organizational public relations experience. His experiences have taken him from the Pentagon to Capitol Hill and have included such positions as Congressional Communications Director, Pentagon Spokesperson for weapons and technology accounts, and Spokesperson and Public Affairs Officer for — former US Forces Commander, Operation Iraqi Freedom — General Tommy R. Franks. Phillips holds a BA degree in psychology from Hofstra University, an MA degree in communication from the University of Oklahoma, and completed Doctoral-level studies in public relations at the University of Maryland. As an active member of numerous professional and academic organizations, Phillips holds adjunct professorships in Public Policy, Speech, Mass Communication and Public Relations. He has received the 1994, 1997 and 1998 awards presented by the Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication for his excellence in public relations.

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